InDesign scripting : lesson 36

throughout this site (and others) you’ll find lots of applescripts which are direct responses to real-world workflows. but, chances are, you’ll need to do some cut-pasting, and additional code writing to create a script which does exactly what you want in your workflow.

this can be a bit intimidating and not a little frustrating as you try to get the bloody thing to work.

so here’s a post (and there may be more to follow) which gets back to basics and addresses a common beginner question :

When I’m cutting and pasting sections of a script, how many ‘end tells’ do I need to include?

new scripters will often be confronted with errors like these when trying to compile or run a script in development :
end error 01
end error 02

one of the main problems with this kind of error, as compared with many other types of errors, is that Applescript Editor may not highlight the exact line where the problem needs to be fixed.

the important thing to remember is that the number of ‘end tells’ will be exactly the same as the number of ‘tells’.

when writing code from scratch, it’s best practice to write the ‘tell’ and ‘end tell’ first — then go back and fill in the rest of the code :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
-- rest of code here
end tell

you can have tells within tells (or nested tells) — these get closed off in the reverse order that they were opened — but notice, still, the number of ‘end tells’ is the same as the number of ‘tells’ :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  -- code here addresses the application
  tell active document
    -- code here addresses the active document
    tell layout window 1
      -- code here addresses the layout window
    end tell
    -- code here addresses the active document
  end tell
  -- code here addresses the application
end tell

other commands
this is also the case with other commands that need an ‘end’ statement. for example, if you have an ‘if’ command within a ‘tell’ command, the ‘if’ needs to end before the ‘tell’ ends :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  if x = y then
    -- some more code
  end if
end tell

when writing code you can also close off with just ‘end’ and the editor will work out which end goes with which command when the script is compiled. so you can write it out like this :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
tell active document
if x = y then
repeat 5 times
-- some more code

… and, when compiled, it will become this :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  tell active document
    if x = y then
      repeat 5 times
        -- some more code
      end repeat
    end if
  end tell
end tell

but you can see that even here — all the commands get closed down in the reverse order that they were opened. the ‘repeat’ is closed first, then the ‘if’, then the second ‘tell’ and lastly the first ‘tell’.

… and another thing
whenever possible, it’s best to avoid one application ‘telling’ another application :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  set mgFolder to file path of active document
  tell application "Finder"
    set mgOLDFolder to (mgJobFolder & "OLD:" as string) as alias
  end tell
end tell

… is better writen as :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  set mgFolder to file path of active document
end tell
tell application "Finder"
  set mgOLDFolder to (mgJobFolder & "OLD:" as string) as alias
end tell

… where we close the InDesign tell before opening the Finder tell

are there other scripting issues that keep cropping up for you?

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InDesign scripting : lesson 35

miracles happen

macgrunt has now received at least two undeniable confirmations of the medicinal properties of applescript : the first was from a generous commenter on one of the earlier lessons which you can read here ; and the second was from a user who asked for assistance with a different exporting problem (which is what this post will be about, eventually). to quote :

The joy also helped ease my sciatic nerve pain I have been suffering for more than a month now.

now, the cynical among you may think that these people are exaggerating or just being flippant — but do you really have a good and verifiable reason to doubt the written testimony of fellow mac users? not likely.

here’s the brief for the sciatica-easing workflow : export the active document to 300ppi CMYK jpegs and 150ppi RGB pngs.

the first part of the script is pretty similar to all the other exporting scripts on this site — get the filename and path of the active document, shorten the filename so that the names of the exported images won’t be too long, create some folders to hold the exported images :

-- developed by macgrunt for use with InDesign
-- last updated April 2014

-- export jpgs and pngs from active InDesign document

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  set mgFolder to file path of active document
  set mgDocName to name of active document
end tell

-- this bit shortens filename to first space
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to {" "}
set mgDocName to text item 1 of mgDocName
set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ""

-- this bit creates subfolders in the same location as the InDesign file
tell application "Finder"
  if (exists folder "JPGs" of folder mgFolder) is false then
    set mgJPGfolder to make new folder at mgFolder with properties {name:"JPGs"}
    set mgJPGfolder to (mgFolder & "JPGs") as string
  end if
  set mgJPGfolder to mgJPGfolder as alias
  if (exists folder "PNGs" of folder mgFolder) is false then
    set mgPNGFolder to make new folder at mgFolder with properties {name:"PNGs"}
    set mgPNGFolder to (mgFolder & "PNGs") as string
  end if
  set mgPNGFolder to mgPNGFolder as alias
end tell

hopefully it’s clear that mgFolder is where the InDesign file is saved, so the new JPGs and PNGs folders are created in that same folder. these new folders are created using an if/then/else routine — if you just tried to create the new folder when there was already one there, the script would throw an error — and that’s tedious.

the second half of the script sets the export parameters and does the actual exporting — pretty simple :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  -- here is where we set the export parameters
  set Exporting Spread of JPEG export preferences to false
  set JPEG export range of JPEG export preferences to export range
  set JPEG Quality of JPEG export preferences to maximum
  set jpeg color space of JPEG export preferences to CMYK
  set export resolution of JPEG export preferences to 300
  set Exporting Spread of PNG export preferences to false
  set PNG export range of PNG export preferences to export range
  set PNG Quality of PNG export preferences to maximum
  set PNG color space of PNG export preferences to RGB
  set export resolution of PNG export preferences to 150
  repeat with mgCount from 1 to (count pages of active document)
    set mgCount to mgCount as string
    set Page String of JPEG export preferences to mgCount
    set Page String of PNG export preferences to mgCount
    set mgJpgFilePath to (mgJPGfolder & mgDocName & "_" & mgCount & ".jpg") as string
    set mgPNGFilePath to (mgPNGFolder & mgDocName & "_" & mgCount & ".png") as string
    tell active document
      export format JPG to mgJpgFilePath without showing options
      export format PNG format to mgPNGFilePath without showing options
    end tell
  end repeat
  display dialog "ALL DONE!" buttons {"Okey-dokey"} default button 1
end tell

this block of code highlights one of the frustrating things about trying to write applescript — the inconsistency of syntax. notice how ‘jpeg color space’ is not capitalised like all the other export preference properties? that’s not really a big deal because the script editor will correct that automatically if you accidentally type it in caps.

but notice the two export commands : ‘export format JPG’ vs ‘export format PNG format’ — why do they have different structures? who knows — adobe are just weird. it’s even weirder when you include the two PDF export commands : ‘export format PDF type’ vs ‘export format interactive PDF’. best not to think about it.

that repeat loop at the end is purely to get consistency of filenaming. if we just export a document “mgThis_file.indd” to jpegs, the filenames would be “mgThis_file.jpg”, “mgThis_file2.jpg”, “mgThis_file3.jpg”, etc. again with the inconsistency … why doesn’t InDesign add ‘1’ to that first jpg? — adobe really do have some serious explaining to do.

anyway, as we were adding a repeat loop to include ‘1’ on the first image, we took the opportunity to add an undescore as well. so these files would now come out as “mgThis_file_1.jpg”, “mgThis_file_2.jpg”, “mgThis_file_3.jpg”, etc.

obviously, this is a very basic script which exports a single document at a time, using one set of export preferences. but like all the PDF export scripts on this site, it doesn’t take much to adapt it to export all open documents, or give the user the chance to choose export preferences.

keep grunting.

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InDesign scripting : lesson 34

ok, here’s the last lesson (for now) on exporting each page of an InDesign file as a separate pdf using applescript. lesson 32 showed a basic solution and lesson 33 expanded it to allow for more naming options. this lesson will look at how to generate the pdf filenames from information saved in the InDesign file itself. this solution was prompted by comment 39 in this discussion :

I’m using InDesign to manage 200+ pages of tech sheets for a company … The obvious benefit of using InDesign and having all the tech sheets in a single file is because then I can edit and update Master Pages and have the changes reflected in all of the tech sheets. The major downside though is that when exporting the PDFs … the file name must be specified manually for each tech sheet.

as always, there are many ways to skin a cat. we’re going to look at two approaches — naming based on the heading text of each page, and naming based on script labels. both solutions rely on setting up the InDesign file in a particular way and both solutions begin with this basic setup (refer to the previous lessons for an explanation of these parts of the script) :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  set raster resolution of interactive PDF export preferences to one hundred forty four ppi
  set (export reader spreads of interactive PDF export preferences) to false
  set mgFolder to file path of active document
  set mgDocName to name of active document
end tell

tell application "Finder"
  if (exists folder "the pdfs" of folder mgFolder) is false then
    make folder at mgFolder with properties {name:"the pdfs"}
  end if
end tell

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  repeat with x in pages of active document
    set mgPageName to name of x
    set page range of interactive PDF export preferences to mgPageName
    tell active document


      set mgFilePath to mgFolder & "the pdfs:" & mgText & ".pdf" as string
      export format interactive PDF to mgFilePath without showing options
    end tell
  end repeat
  display dialog "ALL DONE!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end tell

here’s a snippet of our InDesign file :
screen grab of tech sheets indesign file

there are a few different approaches you could use to pull out the heading on each page as the filename for each pdf. but the easiest way is to set up the InDesign file so that those heading text frames are on their own layer (for this example we’ve called the layer ‘header layer’). so, each page has only one text frame on the header layer — the heading. here’s the remainder of the code to be plugged into the basic script above :

set mgFrames to (text frames of x whose name of item layer is "header layer")
set mgFrame to item 1 of mgFrames
set mgText to contents of item 1 of mgFrame

the first line makes a list of all the text frames on the page on the header layer (this should be a list with only one item). the second line references the first (and only) item in the list — the heading text frame. and the third line grabs the ‘contents’ of that frame (the heading text) to use as the pdf filename. running that completed script will give you this result :
screen grab of generated pdfs
simple, eh?

the alternative method allows you to specify a filename for each page without that filename actually appearing anywhere on the page — the invisible script label. script labels are awesome and were the key to the functioning of the calendars script. a script label can be assigned to any page item, but for this example we’re going to label the heading text frames.

you open the script label panel under windows > utilities. select the frame you want to label — then just type the new label into the panel. once you’re done, deselect the frame — don’t just go to a different page, the script label won’t stick — and don’t hit ‘return’, as this will become part of the label :
screen grab of script label panel

providing you have only one labelled item on each page, you only need to add one extra line to that original basic script above :

set mgText to get (label of every page item of x whose label is not "")

giving you these pdfs :
screen grab of second set of pdfs

another variation will also add the export date to the pdf filenames — this is a good way to keep track of which version you’re up to. we just need to add two more lines :

set mgDate to do shell script "date '+%d-%m-%y'"


set mgText to mgText & "_" & mgDate

so the finished script would look like this :
screen grab of final script to export by script labels

and would create pdfs like this :
screen grab of final dated pdfs

ok, so there we have it — a few variations on the exporting-each-page-as-a-separate-pdf theme. hopefully, from this brief introduction, you can see that there are any number of ways to get the job done with applescript. there’s a solution out there for just about any workflow.

keep grunting.

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InDesign scripting : lesson 33

lesson 32 started looking at how to export individual pages as separate PDFs. it looks like this topic has become popular … a fellow aussie with a passion for getting the most out of InDesign, with a particular focus on prepress, has also written about this, outlining a few solutions — Breaking up is hard to do…

as colmin8r points out, the script from lesson 32 has no user interface, so you can’t control how files are named. that’s what this lesson is all about — extending the script to give you more options. this is how scripts develop — get the basic functionality working, then expand the script to make it more user-friendly, or adaptable, or whatever.

here’s our base script — this time we’re exporting an interactive PDF, rather than using a print PDF preset — but apart from that, it’s the same as the script from lesson 32 :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  set raster resolution of interactive PDF export preferences to one hundred forty four ppi
  set (export reader spreads of interactive PDF export preferences) to false
  set mgFolder to file path of active document
  set mgDocName to name of active document
end tell

tell application "Finder"
  if (exists folder "the pdfs" of folder mgFolder) is false then
    make folder at mgFolder with properties {name:"the pdfs"}
  end if
end tell

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"


  repeat with x from 1 to count pages of active document
    set mgPageName to name of page x of active document
    set page range of interactive PDF export preferences to mgPageName
    set mgFilePath to mgFolder & "the pdfs:" & mgDocName & mgPageName & ".pdf" as string
    tell active document
      export format interactive PDF to mgFilePath without showing options
    end tell
  end repeat
  display dialog "ALL DONE!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end tell

we’re going to give the user two options — shortening the existing filename by breaking it at the first space or underscore, and the option to add something else to the filename. the code for the dialog looks like this :

  set mgDialog to make dialog
  tell mgDialog
    tell (make dialog column)
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:"Where do you want to break the filename?"}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        set mgDelimiterButtons to make radiobutton group
        tell mgDelimiterButtons
          make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"first underscore", checked state:true}
          make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"first space"}
          make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"full stop", min width:290}
        end tell
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:"current filename : " & mgDocName}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:" "}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:"Enter the text you'd like to append."}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        set mgSuffixField to make text editbox with properties {edit contents:"(can be blank)", min width:250}
      end tell
    end tell
  end tell
  set mgResult to show mgDialog

… and creates a user interface that looks like this :
screen grab of initial user interface
a couple of things to notice … we’ve also added the option of breaking the filename at the first full stop which, if you’re naming your files correctly, means not shortening the filename at all. the dialog also shows the existing filename (in this case “export separate pages_test_file.indd”) to make it easier for the user to make their selections.

the remainder of the code takes the information from the user interface and constructs a new filename to use when saving the PDFs :

  if mgResult is true then
    set mgDelimiterButton to selected button of mgDelimiterButtons
    if mgDelimiterButton is 0 then
      set mgDelimiter to "_"
    else if mgDelimiterButton is 1 then
      set mgDelimiter to " "
    else if mgDelimiterButton is 2 then
      set mgDelimiter to "."
    end if
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to mgDelimiter
    set mgDocName to text item 1 of mgDocName
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ""
    set mgSuffix to edit contents of mgSuffixField as string
    if mgSuffix is "(can be blank)" then
      set mgSuffix to ""
    end if
    set mgDocName to (mgDocName & "_" & mgSuffix)
    destroy mgDialog
    error number -128
  end if

two things to note here. we’ve added some error handling just in case the user inadvertently leaves “(can be blank)” in the text field of the user interface — we don’t want that to become part of the filename, so we change it to “” (that is, nothing) instead. also, we’re using an underscore to join the shortened filename and the suffix.

hopefully it’s pretty clear how this filenaming works. as an example — if we start with the filename “export separate pages_test_file.indd”, break it at the first space and add the suffix “concepts”, our resulting PDF filenames will be “export_concepts1.pdf”, “export_concepts2.pdf”, etc.

ok, that’s one way you could do it — but you could also make it more complex again by giving the user the option to break the filename in a different place. of course, more complex options mean more complex code. so this :

  set mgDialog to make dialog with properties {name:"Where do you want to break the filename?"}
  tell mgDialog
    tell (make dialog column)
      set mgPlaceButtons to make radiobutton group
      tell mgPlaceButtons
        make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"first", checked state:true}
        make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"second"}
        make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"third", min width:100}
      end tell
    end tell
    tell (make dialog column)
      set mgDelimiterButtons to make radiobutton group
      tell mgDelimiterButtons
        make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"space", checked state:true}
        make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"underscore"}
        make radiobutton control with properties {static label:"full stop", min width:130}
      end tell
    end tell
    tell (make dialog column)
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:"current filename : "}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:mgDocName}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:" ", min width:300}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        make static text with properties {static label:"Enter the text you'd like to append."}
      end tell
      tell (make dialog row)
        set mgSuffixField to make text editbox with properties {edit contents:"(can be blank)", min width:250}
      end tell
    end tell
  end tell
  set mgResult to show mgDialog

is what you need to create a user interface that looks like this :
screen grab of revised user interface

and the rest of the code is more complex too. this time we’re using the chosen break character to join the filename to the suffix (rather than forcing it to be an underscore) :

  if mgResult is true then
    set mgPlaceButton to selected button of mgPlaceButtons
    if mgPlaceButton is 0 then
      set mgPlace to "1"
    else if mgPlaceButton is 1 then
      set mgPlace to "2"
    else if mgPlaceButton is 2 then
      set mgPlace to "3"
    end if
    set mgDelimiterButton to selected button of mgDelimiterButtons
    if mgDelimiterButton is 0 then
      set mgDelimiter to " "
    else if mgDelimiterButton is 1 then
      set mgDelimiter to "_"
    else if mgDelimiterButton is 2 then
      set mgDelimiter to "."
    end if
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to mgDelimiter
      set mgDocName to text items 1 thru (mgPlace + 1) of mgDocName
      set mgDocName to text items 1 thru mgPlace of mgDocName
    on error
      display dialog "come on dude — that's not possible" & return & "there are not " & mgPlace & " \"" & mgDelimiter & "\" in the filename" & return & return & "have another go" buttons "sorry"
      error number -128
    end try
    set mgDocName to mgDocName as string
    set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ""
    set mgSuffix to edit contents of mgSuffixField as string
    if mgSuffix is "(can be blank)" or mgSuffix is "" then
      set mgSuffix to ""
      set mgDocName to (mgDocName & mgSuffix)
      set mgDocName to (mgDocName & mgDelimiter & mgSuffix)
    end if
    destroy mgDialog
    error number -128
  end if

so this time — if we start with the filename “export separate pages_test_file.indd”, break it at the second space and add the suffix “concepts”, our resulting PDF filenames will be “export separate concepts1.pdf”, “export separate concepts2.pdf”, etc.

notice in the above code we’ve added some error handling to make sure the user’s choices make sense. that is, if they choose to break the filename at the third space, and there are not three spaces in the filename, rather than the script simply failing, they’ll get a message stating why it’s not going to work :
screen grab of error message presented to user

and, of course, you can keep on expanding the script until you have as many different options as suits your needs.

the next lesson will look at a couple of other ways we could approach the naming of these separate page PDFs — automatically generating filenames based on data already existing in the document.

until then, keep grunting.

macgrunt icon

InDesign scripting : lesson 32

there’s quite a farcical discussion going on over at the InDesign forum — Is there really no way to export PDFs as separate pages? as is so often the case in these forums, a person asks HOW to do something and then there’s an extended, often heated, discussion about WHY you would/wouldn’t or should/shouldn’t do it that way.

but the argy-bargy is unnecessary because there are some truly legitimate workflows that would benefit from this capability — like the guy at comment 39 — and because exporting each InDesign page as a separate PDF is really easy with Applescript.

today we’ll be looking at a simplified version of the script from lessons 11 and 12. we start by collecting the filename and file path of the active document. then we shorten the filename to exclude the extension — so “this file.indd” becomes “this file” (mgShortName):

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  set mgFolder to file path of active document
  set mgName to name of active document
  set text item delimiters of AppleScript to {"."}
  set mgShortName to text item 1 of mgName
  set text item delimiters of AppleScript to ""
end tell

next we’ll create a subfolder for the pdfs to be saved into. you do this through the finder by first checking if the subfolder already exists and, if not, creating it. we’re calling this subfolder “the pdfs” and it will be created in the same folder as the indesign file :

tell application "Finder"
  if (exists folder "the pdfs" of folder mgFolder) is false then
    make folder at mgFolder with properties {name:"the pdfs"}
  end if
end tell

then it’s just a matter of a simple repeat loop, cycling through each page in the document. we’re using the page number (name of page) as part of the filename so, using the example above, we’ll end up with “this file_1.pdf”, “this file_2.pdf”, etc. and we complete the script with a simple dialog to let us know when it has done its thing :

tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign"
  repeat with x from 1 to count pages of active document
    set mgPageName to name of page x of active document
    set page range of PDF export preferences to mgPageName
    set mgFilePath to mgFolder & "the pdfs:" & mgShortName & "_" & mgPageName & ".pdf" as string
    tell active document
      export format PDF type to mgFilePath using "macgrunt offset" without showing options
    end tell
  end repeat
  display dialog "ALL DONE!" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 2
end tell

notice that when we specify mgFilepath we add a colon to “the pdfs” — this is what designates it as a folder. the full file path might be something like this “Macintosh HD:Users:macgrunt:Documents:the pdfs:this file_1.pdf” — this shows a hierarchy of five folders — everything after that last colon is the name of the file. so, if we didn’t add the colon after “the pdfs” the filename would have been “the pdfsthis file_1.pdf” (hopefully that makes sense).
note also that “macgrunt offset” is the name of the PDF export preset — you would need to substitute your own preset name here.

so that’s the basic functionality for exporting every page as a separate PDF. copy those three sections into a single script in applescript editor and you’re away. there are a bunch of macgrunt lessons showing other PDF export workflows and considerations — just enter “export pdf” up there in the search field.

the next lesson will look at a couple of other, more complex, ways we could approach the naming of these separate page PDFs.

until then, keep grunting.

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